Saturday, January 30, 2010

The boys are back

I watched it last night just to kill some time after the tennis. Lately I have to watch some TV before I go to bed to relax my mind. Unless I m already tired, otherwise I just couldn't sleep right after writing or drawing. I guess my mind is too active.

Anyway, this movie is unexpectedly good! I like Clive Owen all the time but I think this movie is one of his best. The story is so heart-breaking and funny and bitter, seriously it has everything! I like how the kid deal with grief. Clive said "This kid is a bit strange. Everyday he has some moment, totally unconscious, I guess this is the way he grief. He misses his mother." When I look at that kid, my heart stopped. The music is so beautiful and the sense of AUSTRALIA is just amazing! It's a breath taking story and movie. Highly recommend.

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